(2023) Best Microsoft Teams Apps to Build Hybrid Company Culture

Chris Carnduff
Updated on:
June 6, 2024

We have seen the remote work model take off, and 53% of workers expect to be establishing a long-term hybrid arrangement. With this new shape of work-life, companies are responsible for creating a culture that fosters well being and satisfaction in these new work conditions. 

Many businesses have turned to Microsoft Teams to integrate their remote and in-person workforce through a seamless platform. Companies can work to improve their company culture using the tools associated with this platform, like CoffeePals

That said, with so many options available, companies are wondering, what are the best Microsoft Teams apps to build company culture? Which integrations for hybrid work benefit the workforce? 

In this article, we will outline our six favorites and how to choose the right one for your organization. 

What is a strong company culture in a hybrid world?

For teams that are made up of both remote and on-site employees, it is essential to strike a balance whereby the company's structure and culture suit individuals in all positions. When it comes to establishing a positive company culture, some key factors will make the hybrid employee experience most optimal:

  • A healthy work-life balance. 
  • Respect for health and wellbeing. 
  • Collaboration and relationships. 
  • A chance to grow, improve, and get rewarded.

Using the features of Microsoft Teams, there are endless opportunities to improve each of these points and lay a strong foundation for your company's culture that suits in-person and remote employees alike. 

Why is making the most of Microsoft Teams apps important?

To ensure the success of the hybrid workforce model, choosing the right technologies to integrate is essential. Clearly identify what problems your company culture is facing because once you know what you are trying to solve, you will find that there is already an app available to you through Microsoft Teams. 

Making the most of these apps has the potential to grow new friendships, improve motivation and productivity, foster an inclusive workplace, boost productivity, provide new uses for Teams, improve employee health, reduce stress, and increase one's level of satisfaction with work. 

Criteria to consider when choosing an app

  1. Price: The size of your company or team may dictate which apps make the most sense for you to use. Some apps have tiered payment systems for teams of 10 or below, 50 or below, or over 100, for example, while others charge per user. 
  2. Priorities: Which element of company culture is most important for your business right now, and how can you align it with your values? Are you looking to launch a mental health campaign, focus on health and exercise, or foster communication and relationships among a relatively new team who may never have met in person? 
  3. Where your team needs support right now: Take stock of what your employees are saying. Are they burnt out from long hours? Feeling overwhelmed by stressful projects? Feeling isolated? Or needing new ways to find motivation or encouragement? Listening to your workers will ultimately help you decide what problem you are trying to solve and, therefore, which Microsoft Teams requirements you need to fill.  

Apps we recommend

Regardless of your company's focus and intentions, there are Microsoft Teams project Management apps to solve your needs. Below is a list of some of our favorite apps that help foster a hybrid company culture covering areas including mental health, stress, relationships, and more. 

Key takeaways 

  • To foster new friendships, relationships, and conversations, use CoffeePals
  • To encourage employees to give their coworkers rewards and provide the opportunity to win prizes, use Karma
  • For mental health awareness, download Breakthru
  • To get your team moving and engaged in health activities, use Health Hero


Our app tackles the challenges faced by remote workers. We help to create a more unified and collaborative environment by creating opportunities for spontaneous conversation. Plus, our platform helps members of the company get to know each other, even if they are not directly on the same team. 

  • Relevant features: Our Microsoft Teams integration matches pairs or groups of people within the company to meet for a coffee break. The app can be set to match individuals regularly, like daily or every three days, and matches members of your team to different colleagues each time. Our bot posts questions to the team and prompts them to discuss them together, making a low-pressure social interaction among team members who may not know each other well.  After you download, teams chat amongst themselves.
  • Pricing: We offer a Free, Pro, and Enterprise package depending on the number of users, access to analytics, and product enhancements. There is also a free trial available.  
  • What we’re doing: We continuously add new features to enhance what we bring to each user and each team. We've recently added a meet the CEO lottery, so that team members get the chance to meet with company leadership. Plus, we are working on smart matching to create even more enjoyable interactions between people who are likely to have interests in common.  



This app covers both productivity and workplace culture. Instead of wasting time having unproductive meetings or drowning your inbox in emails, Geekbot allows you to keep tabs on your team's perspective and morale. 

  • Relevant features: Quickly take anonymous team surveys to get honest employee feedback quickly, plus host one-on-one check-ins, create meeting notes, and lastly, track team morale through happiness reports. Use the dashboard to summarize your findings, making it easier to draw a consensus and make a decision. 
  • Pricing: They offer a startup, standard, and premium package where you pay per user for over 10 participants. 
  • Pros: Because team members fill out their happiness score daily, you can keep track of overall morale and step in to make a change before anything turns negative. 
  • Cons: Paying per user means the service can get pricey for larger companies. 


This app is focused on creating value between employees and establishing a supportive and positive work environment. As the name says, the app is all about sending positive energy to your coworkers. 

  • Relevant features: With Karma, you can send rewards to your colleagues and team members. Each time a worker receives an accolade, they get one Karma point. Companies can set up rewards for certain milestones of Karma points, for example, a free coffee or Amazon gift card. Managers and teams can also track progress through the analytics dashboard. 
  • Pricing: Across the board, Karma charges $2 per user per month.  
  • Pros: The app fosters employee-to-employee relationships in a ground-up structure emphasizing positivity and recognition. 
  • Cons: There are no team-sized package bundles available. 



Breakthru confronts work-life balance and the mental health of each employee. Remote work has been known to cause workers to struggle with work-life balance and boundaries, and this app encourages workers to take a break and relax. 

  • Relevant features: The Microsoft Teams integration reminds users to take two-minute microbreaks during the workday to increase engagement and manage stress. Some breaks feature easy gentle movements and breath work that help workers reset and manage mental health.
  • Pricing: They offer various packages for individuals, teams, and even schools, with add-ons for larger teams.  
  • Pros: The app helps your company create a positive culture where taking breaks are encouraged, and mental health is valued.  
  • Cons: This won't be your all-in-one app, as it focuses mainly on mental health instead of communication and streamlining. 



Kudos is an app to help with motivation and engagement for your hybrid workforce. It combines some of the highlight features of other apps and allows coworkers to recognize accomplishments and get inspired. 

  • Relevant features: Workers can give their peers recognition for their performance and link their achievements to the company's cultural values. The analytics dashboard allows leaders to see their workers' performance, experience, and accomplishments. Finally, as a portal full of insight, Kudos also offers suggestions and programming options that can help improve your company's workplace culture.  
  • Pricing: Pricing starts at $5.00 per user per month.
  • Pros: Extensive integration options with other apps and platforms your company already uses. 
  • Cons: With a higher per-user price, this is one of the more expensive options on the list. 

Health Hero

As the name says, this is a health and wellness-focused app that builds activities for your whole hybrid team. Through fun competitions and games, employees are encouraged to participate in a wellbeing-focused lifestyle that ultimately boosts productivity and collaboration. 

  • Relevant features: Employees and teams can set wellness goals, track their progress in the dashboard, and access the Microsoft Teams app icon from any device. Organization leaders can create specific activities and campaigns that suit their company's needs and generate healthy competition between teams with dynamic leaderboards. 
  • Pricing: There is a free plan for up to 10 users; for larger groups, it is $2.50 per user. 
  • Pros: This app is highly adaptable, customizable, and engaging with activities that specifically target the group and incentivize them to participate. 
  • Cons: Some of the more personalized options are only available with the larger package.  

Health Hero

Vacation Tracker

Letting your employees take time off to rest and recharge is necessary for a thriving workplace. So if you're looking for a leave management solution that makes managing and booking leave a breeze, Vacation Tracker is the app for you.

  • Relevant features: You can customize this leave management tool to fit into how you work. Easily create and configure leave notifications, multiple locations, departments, leave types, policies, and much more. This tool automates all aspects of leave management, including scheduled reporting, and PTO accruals, just to name a few.
  • Pricing: Their Core and Complete plans cost $1 and $2 per user per month respectively, based on the number of users.

Since this app is seamlessly integrated with your existing workspace, all crucial leave data is always at your fingertips.

Get the conversation started

Foster a culture of relationships, friendships, trust, and collaboration. Use the tools available through CoffeePals to get your workers talking and thinking together. Explore our versatile pricing options and packages that suit companies of every size and speak with us to find out how we can help your company make the most of its Microsoft Teams platform. 

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