Donut in Microsoft Teams

Looking for Donut for Microsoft Teams? Effortlessly facilitate engaging meet-ups, whether you're looking to integrate new hires or break down silos - all with CoffeePals.

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Microsoft Teams compatibility
Microsoft Teams scheduling
Automated scheduling
Match group size up to 8
Cross-group matching
Watercooler questions
Customize questions
Meet the CEO lottery
Custom match day and frequency
Matches met reporting
Pause matching for vacations
Matching analytics
Calendar integration


25 users

A checkmark
Microsoft Teams compatibility
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Microsoft Teams scheduling
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Automated Scheduling
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Match group size up to 5
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Cross-group matching
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Water Cooler Prompts
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Custom Watercooler Questions
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Meet the CEO Lottery
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Custom match day and frequency
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Matches met reporting
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Pause matching for vacations
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Matching Analytics
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Calendar Integration


24 users

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Match group size up to 5
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Match group size up to 5
A red X
Microsoft Teams scheduling
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Automated Scheduling
A red X
Automated Scheduling
A red X
Automated Scheduling
A red X
Automated Scheduling
A red X
Automated Scheduling
A red X
Automated Scheduling
A red X
Automated Scheduling
A checkmark
Cross-group matching
A red X
Automated Scheduling
A red X
Automated Scheduling

"CoffeePals has enabled our global remote team to stay connected and engaged in an easy and convenient way. It has helped strengthen our sense of community."

Heiner Murmann
Founder & CEO of Orkestra

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