101 of Employee Resource Groups: Guides, Governance Structure, Activities and FAQ

Chris Carnduff
Updated on:
June 6, 2024

What is an Employee Resource Group?

Welcome to the world of employee resource groups (ERGs)! These are voluntary, employee-led groups that aim to promote diversity and inclusion within an organization. ERGs often focus on specific areas of diversity, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, or veteran status, and work to create a sense of community and belonging among employees who share a particular identity. They may also provide support and resources for these employees and educate the organization about diversity and inclusion issues.

But ERGs aren't just beneficial for employees. They can also be a valuable source of insight and perspective for the organization, and help to create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture. This can lead to improved employee retention and satisfaction, as well as attract and retain diverse talent.

Participation in ERGs is usually open to all employees, and it's important for organizations to ensure that these groups are inclusive and welcoming to everyone. Organizations should also provide support and resources to ERGs, such as through leadership sponsorship and financial or logistical assistance.

So there you have it – ERGs are a great way to foster a sense of community and belonging within an organization, and promote diversity and inclusion at the same time. Keep reading to dive into the world of ERGs, and learn more about how you can take advantage of them in your organization.

Why Are ERGs important?

As an organization, you may be wondering why employee resource groups (ERGs) are important and how they can benefit your business. Well, let us tell you!

First and foremost, ERGs provide a sense of belonging and support for employees within the workplace. By creating a space where employees can connect with others who share similar identities or experiences, ERGs can foster a sense of community and belonging that can help to improve employee retention and satisfaction.

ERGs can also be a valuable source of insight and perspective for the organization. By bringing together employees from diverse backgrounds and experiences, ERGs can provide a unique and valuable perspective on diversity and inclusion issues within the organization. This can help to inform company policies and practices, and create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture.

In addition, ERGs can help to attract and retain diverse talent. Employees may be more likely to join and stay with an organization that values diversity and inclusivity, and that provides support and resources for employees from underrepresented groups. This can help to ensure that your organization has a diverse and talented workforce that is better equipped to meet the needs of your customers and stakeholders.

Overall, employee resource groups can be a valuable resource for both employees and organizations. By fostering a sense of community and belonging, providing support and resources for employees, and promoting diversity and inclusivity, ERGs can help to create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture that benefits everyone.

How can I start an Employee Resource Group?

Are you interested in starting an employee resource group (ERG) at your organization? Great! ERGs are a valuable tool for promoting diversity and inclusion within the workplace, and can provide a sense of belonging and support for employees. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Identify a need: Before starting an ERG, it's important to assess whether there is a need for such a group within your organization. Consider the diversity of your workforce and whether there are groups that may be underrepresented or not well-represented in leadership or decision-making roles.
  2. Determine your goals and focus: What do you want to achieve with your ERG? Do you want to focus on networking and professional development, advocacy and community service, or education and awareness about diversity and inclusion? Clearly defining your goals and focus will help to guide your efforts and ensure that your ERG is effective and relevant.
  3. Recruit members: Once you have a clear idea of what your ERG will focus on, it's time to recruit members. Consider reaching out to employees who may be interested in joining the group, and consider using social media or other channels to spread the word.
  4. Plan your activities and events: Now that you have a team in place, it's time to start planning your activities and events. Consider what types of events or initiatives will be most impactful and relevant to your goals and focus.
  5. Get support from leadership: It's important to have the support of leadership in order for your ERG to be successful. Consider reaching out to leadership to explain your goals and ask for their support. This may include financial or logistical support, as well as sponsorship from a leader within the organization.

By following these steps, you can start an employee resource group that promotes diversity and inclusion within your organization and provides support and resources for employees. Good luck!

employee resource groups

What activities do ERGs do?

Employee resource groups (ERGs) can engage in a variety of activities, depending on the goals and focus of the group. Some common types of activities that ERGs may engage in include the following.

Networking and professional development

ERGs may organize events or initiatives that provide opportunities for employees to network and connect with one another, as well as to develop new skills and knowledge. This may include mentorship programs, workshops, or speaker series.

How to organize a networking activity

To organize networking and professional development activities, you could consider the following steps:

  1. Identify the goals and objectives of the activity. What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to reach?
  2. Determine the format and structure of the event. Will it be a workshop, a speaker series, a mentorship program, or something else?
  3. Identify potential speakers or facilitators. Who has expertise or experience in the topic you want to cover?
  4. Set a date and location for the event. Make sure to consider factors such as availability of participants and resources, and accessibility for all attendees.
  5. Promote the event. Use social media, email, or other channels to spread the word about the event and encourage participation.

Advocacy and community service

ERGs may also focus on advocacy and community service, working to raise awareness about issues that are important to the group and to contribute to the broader community. This may include participating in community service projects, organizing advocacy campaigns, or hosting educational events.

Organizing advocacy and community service activity

 To organize advocacy and community service activities, you could consider the following steps:

  1. Identify the issue or cause that you want to support. What is important to the ERG and its members?
  2. Determine the scope and focus of the activity. Will you be participating in a community service project, organizing an advocacy campaign, or hosting an educational event?
  3. Identify potential partners or collaborators. Are there other organizations or groups that share your goals and values?
  4. Set a date and location for the activity. Make sure to consider factors such as availability of participants and resources, and accessibility for all attendees.
  5. Promote the activity. Use social media, email, or other channels to spread the word about the activity and encourage participation.

Education and awareness

ERGs may also work to educate and raise awareness about diversity and inclusion within the organization. This may include hosting workshops or seminars, creating informational materials or resources, or organizing events to celebrate diversity and inclusivity.

Organizing education and awareness activities

To organize education and awareness activities, you could consider the following steps:

  1. Identify the topic or issue that you want to cover. What do you want to educate people about? Who do you want to reach?
  2. Determine the format and structure of the activity. Will it be a workshop, a seminar, an informational session, or something else?
  3. Identify potential speakers or facilitators. Who has expertise or experience in the topic you want to cover?
  4. Set a date and location for the event. Make sure to consider factors such as availability of participants and resources, and accessibility for all attendees.
  5. Promote the event. Use social media, email, or other channels to spread the word about the event and encourage participation.

Influencing company policies and practices

ERGs may also work to influence company policies and practices related to diversity and inclusion. This may include providing input on hiring, promotion, or other HR policies, or working with leadership to develop and implement diversity and inclusion initiatives.

How to Influencing company policies and practices

 To influence company policies and practices related to diversity and inclusion, you could consider the following steps:

  1. Identify the specific policies or practices that you want to influence. What changes do you want to see?
  2. Gather data and evidence to support your recommendations. This may include research, surveys, or other information that helps to demonstrate the need for change.
  3. Engage with leadership and decision-makers. Reach out to leaders within the organization to share your ideas and ask for their support.
  4. Communicate with the broader organization. Use social media, email, or other channels to share information about your efforts and to gather feedback and support from other employees.
  5. Monitor and evaluate the impact of your efforts. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your efforts and make adjustments as needed.

Overall, the activities of an ERG will depend on the specific goals and focus of the group, as well as the needs and interests of its members.

How are employee resource groups governed?

The governance structure of employee resource groups (ERGs) can vary depending on the size and needs of the organization, as well as the goals and focus of the group. However, there are some common elements that are often included in the governance structure of ERGs.

One common element is a leadership team or board of directors. This team is responsible for overseeing the activities and operations of the ERG, and may include a chair, vice chair, treasurer, and other roles as needed. The leadership team is typically elected by the members of the ERG and serves a set term, usually one or two years.

Another common element is a mission statement or set of guiding principles. This document outlines the purpose and goals of the ERG, and serves as a reference point for decision-making and planning. The mission statement may be developed by the leadership team or by the members of the ERG as a whole.

Example Principals

  1. Promote diversity and inclusion within the organization: We strive to create a workplace culture that is inclusive and respectful of all employees, regardless of their identity or background.
  2. Foster a sense of belonging and support: We aim to provide a sense of community and belonging for all members of the ERG, and to offer support and resources as needed.
  3. Encourage personal and professional development: We strive to provide opportunities for our members to develop new skills and knowledge, and to advance their careers.
  4. Advocate for change: We work to raise awareness about issues that are important to our members, and to advocate for policies and practices that promote diversity and inclusivity within the organization.
  5. Collaborate and engage with the broader organization: We seek to build partnerships and collaborations with other groups within the organization, and to engage with the broader community as appropriate.
  6. Act with integrity and transparency: We strive to conduct ourselves with integrity and transparency, and to be accountable to our members and the organization as a whole.

ERGs may also have bylaws or operating procedures that outline the rules and processes for the group. These may include details such as the process for electing leaders, the role of the leadership team, and the procedures for planning and implementing activities and events.

In addition, ERGs may have committees or subgroups that focus on specific areas of interest or responsibility. For example, an ERG may have a committee focused on professional development, a committee focused on advocacy and community service, or a committee focused on communications and marketing.

Overall, the governance structure of an ERG is designed to ensure that the group is effective, efficient, and accountable to its members. By having clear roles, responsibilities, and processes in place, ERGs can ensure that they are able to achieve their goals and make a positive impact within the organization.


Employee resource groups (ERGs) are voluntary, employee-led groups that aim to promote diversity and inclusion within an organization by creating a sense of community and belonging among employees who share a particular identity. Participation in ERGs is usually open to all employees, and it is important for organizations to ensure that these groups are inclusive and welcoming to everyone. ERGs can benefit both employees and the organization by improving employee retention and satisfaction and attracting and retaining diverse talent. By fostering a sense of community and belonging, providing support and resources for employees, and promoting diversity and inclusivity, ERGs can help to create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture.

If you’re looking for a way to enhance your employee resource group, CoffeePals can help members connect with each other by matching them for coffee chats. This can help to foster a sense of community and belonging within the ERG, and can provide opportunities for members to get to know each other and build relationships.

CoffeePals can also also foster a sense of community and belonging within your whole organization. Imagine being able to easily connect with others who share similar backgrounds or experiences - it's a great way to build relationships and feel supported.


Are employee resource groups effective?

ERGs can be effective in a number of ways. They can provide a sense of community and support for members, which can improve employee engagement and retention. ERGs can also serve as a way for employees to advocate for diversity and inclusion initiatives within the organization, and can help to create a more inclusive culture. Additionally, ERGs can provide valuable perspective and insights to the organization, and can be a source of innovation and new ideas.

However, it is important for organizations to ensure that ERGs are properly supported and funded, and that they are given the resources and opportunities to be effective. In addition, it is important for organizations to ensure that ERGs are not seen as a replacement for diversity and inclusion efforts, but rather as a supplement to them. By properly supporting and leveraging ERGs, organizations can create a more diverse and inclusive culture and realize the benefits of having a diverse workforce.

What is the difference between employee resource groups and affinity groups?

Employee resource groups (ERGs) and affinity groups are both groups of employees who come together based on a shared characteristic, such as race, gender, sexual orientation, or nationality. However, there are some key differences between the two types of groups.

One main difference is that ERGs are typically sponsored by the organization, whereas affinity groups are often initiated and run by employees themselves. ERGs may also have a more formal structure and may be open to all employees, whereas affinity groups may be more informal and may be limited to members who meet certain criteria.

Another difference is that ERGs often have a specific focus, such as diversity and inclusion, and may be tasked with promoting these goals within the organization. Affinity groups, on the other hand, may be more focused on providing support and community for members, and may not have a specific mandate to promote diversity and inclusion within the organization.

What sort of roles and responsibilities exist in an employee resource group?

The roles within employee resource groups (ERGs) may vary depending on the specific goals and focus of the group and the needs and expectations of the organization. However, some common roles within ERGs may include:

  1. Group leader: This person is responsible for overseeing the group and ensuring that it is achieving its goals. The group leader may be responsible for organizing events and activities, managing communication within the group, and representing the group to the organization.
  2. Executive sponsor: This person is typically a high-level leader within the organization who serves as a champion for the ERG and helps to provide support and resources for the group.
  3. Group members: These are the employees who are members of the ERG and who participate in the group's activities and events. Group members may also have specific roles or responsibilities within the group, such as serving on a committee or helping to plan events.
  4. Committee members: Some ERGs may have committees that focus on specific areas or initiatives, such as recruitment or community outreach. Committee members may have specific roles or responsibilities within their committees.

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